Thanking Our Veterans

November 10, 2017

Members of the Rutgers Community:

Tomorrow, November 11, is Veterans Day—an annual opportunity to honor all that veterans of our Armed Forces have done to preserve the freedom and security of our nation.

We at Rutgers are deeply proud of the veterans now enrolled as students across the University, the women and men on our faculty and staff who have served America in uniform, and all those Rutgers alumni who are veterans.  I applaud each of every one of these individuals and offer them our enduring admiration and gratitude.

Rutgers supports members of our military and veterans in a number of ways, including the programs and services offered to student veterans in New Brunswick, in Newark, and in Camden.  We are gratified that Rutgers has been ranked #2 among all four-year colleges in Military Times’ annual Best for Vets survey, and that Rutgers University–Camden has been designated as New Jersey’s first Purple Heart University by the Order of the Purple Heart. For more on the programs and services we offer our veteran students, visit

I want to make special note of the Vets4Warriors program operated by Rutgers’ University Behavioral Health Care, a peer-to-peer counseling program that has already had more than 200,000 contacts from veterans across the country.  Vets4Warriors has helped veterans deal with difficult challenges such as depression, anxiety, isolation, and suicidal thoughts. To learn more, to refer a veteran in need, or to make a donation, see

I want to thank all those in our community who make Rutgers a welcoming place for the men and women who have served our nation so courageously.  And to all the veterans in our Rutgers family, I wish you and your loved ones the very best on Veterans Day 2017.


Robert Barchi